by Belmars | Aug 3, 2015 | General, Workout of the week (WOW)
Warm-up 5 minutes “The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do” – Anonymous Rules: – Set the clock for 20 minutes. – Complete as many sets as you can in 20 minutes. Workout: Beginner: Half push ups x 5 Squats x 10 Lunges x 15...
by Belmars | Jul 27, 2015 | General, Workout of the week (WOW)
“Go Big or Go Home…” – Anonymous 6 min warmup – 100 Jump squats – 100 Push-ups – 100 Leg lifts – 100 Pushup plank – 100 Crunches Complete 4 sets 6 min cool...
by Belmars | Jul 20, 2015 | General, Workout of the week (WOW)
“You don’t get the booty you want by sitting on the one you have” 1. Lateral lunge with weighted arm raise (30 sec each side) 2. Weighted bridge 3. Squat with overhead press 4. Donkey kicks (30 sec each side) 5. Front lunge with bicep curl 6....
by Belmars | Jul 13, 2015 | General, Workout of the week (WOW)
“When the student is ready, the Master appears” – Buddhist Proverb Warm up 5 minutes Circuit: 3 x 3 rounds with 30 seconds rest between each round. 3 sets of the following exercises 30 reps each with no rest between exercises or sets. – Air squats...
by Belmars | Jul 7, 2015 | Body By Belmars, General
My workout buddy tonight 💪💪