Muay Thai Kickboxing & Fitness Course - $189

Muay Thai Kickboxing

Beginner’s Muay Thai Kickboxing & Fitness Course: 3-for-1 Special

(5 weeks course for Men and Women with a certificate on successful completion)

Course start date: April 6th

  • 15 classes in 5 weeks at an incredible value
  • This is the ultimate beginner's program that will get you to the next level in the fastest possible time
  • This course is excellent for anyone wanting to learn Muay Thai or wanting to get into shape
  • This is an all-in-one package combining the technical and fitness aspects of Muay Thai, kickboxing and boxing, the best of both worlds
  • 10 students maximum in each course

Our Beginner’s Muay Thai Kickboxing & Fitness Course is a unique program you won’t find anywhere else. This structured 5-week course has been running since 1995. Thousands of students have learned the fundamentals of Muay Thai kickboxing and boxing through participating. The course is aimed firmly at people who are just starting the journey of learning Muay Thai kickboxing and boxing. It will enable you to build a firm foundation of knowledge in the art of Muay Thai kickboxing and boxing in a safe atmosphere, without the danger of injury generally associated with these types of Martial Arts.

Benefit from 3 programs for the cost of 1, with our 3-for-1 beginner’s special.
You pay only for the Beginners Muay Thai Kickboxing & Fitness course, and we give you the KickFit Circuits and Boxing for beginners as a FREE gift.

Beginners Program Schedule

1) Beginners Muay Thai Kickboxing Course

Sunday, 2:00pm - 3:00pm

2) Muay Thai Fitness for Beginners

Wednesday, 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm

3) Boxing For Beginners

Friday, 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm

Contact us for more information

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What Students are Saying about the course

YogaBelmars Muay Thai & circuit course was the BEST!!!Yoga

Gehai Bess - DJ

YogaOne of the best things I have ever done for myselfYoga

Natalie Negron - Dental Assistant

testitop This is an excellent class for anyone who is willing to learn from an excellent teacher. testibtm

Kyle Shanks - Student

“What are you waiting for? Book NOW!”

